Saturday, July 27, 2024

Me, My Waist Beads and I

In a Google search the Britannica Dictionary defines bead: a small, usually round piece of glass, wood, stone, etc., that has a hole through its center and that is put on a string with other similar pieces and worn as jewelry or that is sewn onto clothing.


The bead sits in the hall of fashion and culture. And there isn’t anything much anyone can do to change that. First and foremost, people are who they are by culture. And, in my opinion, if someone tries to convert or divert people away from their culture, they will be chipping away at their identity, forcing them to become who they are not.

Sometimes there is concern about the coping skills of people who travel to other lands, where they are faced with different cultures. As difficult as this may seem, the solution is for travelers to respect the laws of the lands they are visiting or have made their new home. There is a saying which goes, When you go to Rome you do as the Romans do. Adhering to the customs and practices of other lands doesn’t mean that people should abandon their own culture. They can still practice their culture at home. Eat the foods that they are used to, wear the garments that they are accustomed to and more. Also, the communities in which they live will hold events at various times in a given year to showcase the cultures of many lands.

What are waist beads?

As usual I turned to Google for help to gather the definition for waist beads. And according to Waist beads are a traditional African accessory that consist of small glass beads on a string or wire worn around the waist or hips. They come in different colors and shapes and may also include decorative stones, crystals, or charms. Waist beads have been worn for centuries by women in many West African cultures.

Let me also add that an African woman once told me that waist beads are used in some African cultures to give the ladies a beautiful shape. She also mentioned that her husband loves waist beads. And, under no circumstances should a female show her waist beads to anyone. It should only be seen by her husband in the confines of their bedroom. I was also told that some ladies attach sanitary napkins to waist beads which function just like a sanitary belt. Today with all the upgrades in feminine products I doubt if the sanitary belt is still relevant.

By the definition and cultural aspect of waist beads, it seems to be a great commodity. Having been enlightened about the role they play in culture doesn’t deter me from wearing it as a fashion piece. I get excited like a kid in a candy store whenever I see beads, and the accessories that are made from them. The array of beautiful colors are arresting and if I could, I would buy the same style necklace or bracelet in all the colors that are available. 

One of my granddaughters, a teenager, got to experience my behavior at a beauty supply store when I saw some waist beads on display. “Waist beads”, I shouted excitedly. I then shared with her that I used to wear waist beads. “Grandma!” she said aloud, laughing. “I can’t believe you wore waist beads”. “Yes, I sure did”, I said, laughing. Whatever definition she had in her mind about waist beads had really tickled her. Not in a million years would she have imagined or expected that I, her Grandma, knew about waist beads let alone wearing it. I further told her that I was young, chic and hip too just like the youngsters of today. I also told her that one of my friends had given me waist beads on her return from a trip to Ethiopia. 

My granddaughter was so amused about me owning and wearing waist beads. As soon as we returned home she told her sister that I used to wear waist beads. The news hit her sister hard, she doubled over laughing, and almost fell from the chair she was seated on. Sometimes the youngsters of today behave as if Grandmas were not children and teenagers. Hello youngsters, we weren’t born adults. So here’s to putting notice to gen alpha, gen x, gen y, gen z, millennials, whatever the labels are. Please don’t underestimate the moves of elders. Don’t even try to pull wool over a Baby Boomer’s eyes because you will be caught. Baby Boomers know about all the tricks you are capable of playing. Don’t test the wisdom of Baby Boomers because we have been there and done that. And we are watching you.

Tah-tah! The future is built on the past.

Grace Dunkley-Asphall, Copyright © 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024

100 Ways Some Jamaicans Will Say: Friend

The Merriam Webster Dictionary online defines friend:

One attached to another by affection or esteem.


On observation, the word friend by itself lacks strength in the eyes of some Jamaicans. It has to be embellished with the use of other words to bring out its wanted flavor which are at times too descriptive, and explicit. To describe the situation in local term, the island of Jamaica on a daily basis enjoys keeping up almshouse with adjectives. There is no telling of time and place for them to be used. A day hardly goes by in which I haven’t recalled my Jamaican culture or even parts of it that innocently entertains adjectives. Sometimes I am amazed, astonished, joyful, proud, pleased, ashamed, accepting, and happy. I smile, wonder, ponder, lament, and laugh uncontrollably.

I often say to myself that most of what we see and embrace as culture are not document worthy and never were from the beginning. Instead they are idle gestures, bouts of boredom, and a lack of proper discipline and grooming among some of our people. Culture is unique but within a set culture there is bound to be individuality. Interference. Altering. People from all walks of life sometimes joke about things and people which will somehow find way into our various cultures. However, if we listened to some of the jokes we would come to an agreement that they are boldface insults to dismantle, tarnish and destroy,

Jamaicans, myself included, are pinpointed as being jovial by nature because of our ability to quickly overcome adversities in a remarkable manner.  An outsider getting to know us will somehow sense that we do not mean harm when we highlight, introduce or mention about our friends with names other than their given names. The descriptions are used to distinguish relationships within the friend-category. They are also used to set boundaries, and accuracy. More importantly, to keep a person's name private. Doing otherwise could lead to personal confrontations, especially if a conversation entails gossip. By the same token, I will not downplay the fact that most handles, labels, and even nicknames used by some Jamaicans are coarse, vulgar, insensitive, difficult, mean spirited, offensive, hypocritical, and anatomy shaming. 

Having said all of that, I have captured, to the best of my ability, 100 ways some Jamaicans will say: friend. 

  1. Friend    

  2. Good friend 

  3. Bad friend 

  4. A friend of mine 

  5. Sumady friend (someone’s friend)

  6. Facebook friend Social Media friend 

  7. Church friend

  8. School friend 

  9. Pub/Bar friend  

  10. Gambling friend 

  11. Gym friend 

  12. Work friend

  13. Friend from ovah de suh (friend from over there)  

  14. Friend from ovah yasso (friend from over here)

  15. Friend from up the road 

  16. Friend from down the road 

  17. Friend from foreign 

  18. Now and again friend 

  19. Thieving friend 

  20. Beggie-beggie friend (friend who begs all the time)

  21. Friend from country 

  22. Friend from town 

  23. User friend 

  24. Push-up friend (social butterfly friend)

  25. Liad friend (liar friend)

  26. Wicked friend 

  27. Heathen friend 

  28. Christian friend 

  29. Doctor friend 

  30. Nurse friend 

  31. Lawyer friend 

  32. Mechanic friend 

  33. Pilot friend 

  34. Lazy friend 

  35. Sick friend 

  36. Crazy friend 

  37. Mad friend 

  38. Obeah worker friend 

  39. Big mouth friend 

  40. Big head friend 

  41. Mawga friend (meager friend)

  42. Big nose friend 

  43. Gay friend

  44. Lesbian friend

  45. Hard ears friend (stubborn friend)

  46. Joker friend

  47. Follow fashion friend

  48. Fake friend

  49. Bad mind friend

  50. Police friend

  51. Soldier friend

  52. Driver friend

  53. Politician friend

  54. Capital K knee friend (knock knee friend)

  55. Turn foot friend (heels in toes out friend)

  56. Big teeth friend

  57. Stink mouth friend

  58. Bookworm friend

  59. Fifth columnist friend

  60. Fair weather friend

  61. Big ears friend

  62. Farmer friend

  63. Selfish friend

  64. Greedy friend

  65. Big belly friend

  66. Big bottom friend

  67. Narrow bottom friend

  68. Flat bottom friend

  69. Gossip Friend

  70. Dry head friend

  71. Long hair friend

  72. Curly hair friend

  73. Brown skin friend

  74. Black friend

  75. White friend

  76. Indian friend

  77. Chinese friend

  78. Langoo la la friend (lanky friend)

  79. Womanizing friend

  80. Teacher friend

  81. Pastor friend

  82. Samfie friend (tricky friend)

  83. Con artist friend

  84. Busy body friend

  85. Rotten teeth friend

  86. Mash mouth friend (no teeth friend)

  87. Dancy dancy friend (friend who loves to dance)

  88. Man thief friend ( a female relationship wrecker)

  89. Intelligent friend 

  90. Big pumpum friend (big vagina friend)

  91. Big wood friend (big penis friend)

  92. Love fi dweet friend (friend who wants sex often)

  93. Respectable friend

  94. Nice friend

  95. Cobich friend (frugal friend)

  96. Love spend money friend (spendthrift friend)

  97. Ride or die friend (loyal friend)

  98. Bench and batty friend (close friend)

  99. Judas friend (betraying friend)

  100. Peacemaker friend 

Tah-tah! Inasmuch as friends will sometimes disappoint each other,

never give up on having a friend. 

Grace Dunkley-Asphall, Copyright © 2024

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Get To The Point. No Dilly-Dally.

A quick Google search to find the meaning of the word point led to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. Here are a few definitions: an individual detail, a distinguishing detail, the most important essential in a discussion or matter, an end or object to be achieved, a particular place.


Technology is on the move. It’s here to bamboozle and trick the devil out of us. We now find ourselves in a world where information is easily accessible, and where people are left to research things for themselves. Having fewer and shorter conversations with real people. 

There is a trend which has caught on in this world of confusion, learning and unlearning. People are  direct and deliberate in sharing words and sentences in the shortest time and manner. They abbreviate almost everything that they care to share or say: LOL, OMG, WTF, BFF, LMAO, YOLO, IRL, DWL, and many more. Some of us will struggle with their meanings while others find them to be a breeze. Easy!

In days gone by a visit by a family friend or relatives, led to conversations that were engaging and interesting. They were never eager to end the conversations. Conversations had a right to run their course even as one topic led to the next. Talkative people were never referred to as long winded. As a matter of fact to some of us they were viewed as intelligent, and had the gift of gaining the attention of their audiences. We were keen on hearing all details even if it required two days to do so.

Fast forward to today, everything has become microwave or minimal. Products have become mediocre and are of poor quality. Listening to the details of a conversation has become difficult. Some people are easily bored by details and explanations. They yawn often and twist and turn their bodies, becoming fidgety and nonparticipating. While it remains the right of a human to receive contents in whatever way or however little they want, the behavior, to some people, is no doubt viewed as disrespectful.

It’s the twenty-first century and each day as the years go by, I have observed that most people are more interested in the beginning and climax of a conversation than the middle. Busy people, especially, who fancy the statement “time is money”, would rather have an individual get to the point as fast as they can, in any matter or conversations. It is with hope that busy people will figure out the details, which can be of ultimate importance.

Tah-tah!  Keep conversations short, and to the point. 

Grace Dunkley-Asphall, Copyright © 2024

Saturday, December 30, 2023

How You Wear Your Lipstick Is Your Own Personal Preference

A Google search on the definition of lipstick is: Colored cosmetics applied to the lips from a small solid stick.


There are many shades of lipstick, some of which are with the pastels and darker groups. However, none is quite as popular and controversial as red.  And it doesn’t matter if it’s cherry red, wine red, apple red, burgundy red, brick red, or red red, the fact remains that red is the most smooched and smacked.

Secret despise for lipstick

In everything promising, there can be dislikes, like and love. Or, even setbacks and disappointments. There are definitely some ladies who are not fond of lipsticks. Some see lipstick wearing as ungodly, secular, seductive and vulgar. On the other hand some men despise lipstick for what they see as a good reason. And it’s not that they are God fearing. They are mostly the cheaters and adulterers in society. Because on close contact with a wearer, lipstick stains can be telling.

Lip size, shape, and cupid’s bow

Some lips are thin, some are full, and some are pursed. Observing all the lips, there are some that are full on the bottom and none showing on the top. Nevertheless, lipsticks of all shades are applied to those lips by lovers of lipstick. A toothy smile will at times reveal that a touch of lipstick goes beyond the lips.

The people with a pronounced cupid’s bow sometimes ignore the details when applying their lipsticks. One straight line from one corner of the lip to the next is all that matters.  No highlighting of curves and dips. 

Lipstick enhances beauty

For some people, lipstick is the sole and perfect cosmetic or makeup to enhance beauty. Lipstick is the sun of the face. It grabs attention. 

Various ways to wear lipstick

A person has a right to choose. And the lipstick wearer is no different. They are free to wear their lipsticks anyhow, anytime, anywhere.  The lips have been a canvas for eons. These days the methodical applications of the lipstick seem to be chasing a path with technology. Some people have become creative and are wearing lipsticks to present a checkered look. Some people section their lips and apply different shades of lipsticks.  Any fashion or style that floats their boat is welcome and amazing. 

Lipstick on the bottom lip only

More baby boomers are staying away from the old and popular belief that it's classy to apply lipstick to the bottom lip only. This long time hand-me-down rule must have been instituted by the female tea drinkers who wore pillbox hats, and lace or satin gloves to garden parties.  Especially the ones who drank from their cups with the pinkies sticking out. LOL. It's a hearty laugh from me. Having freed myself from such a rule is rewarding. I have two lips, one mouth, and I am all about plastering my two lips with some hot red lipstick, my favorite among all the other colors.

So, how are you wearing your lipstick? 

Tah-tah!  The choice is yours. 

Grace Dunkley-Asphall, Copyright © 2023

Friday, September 29, 2023

Go To H E 2 Sticks and H To The No...Generation Principles In Tow

Mirriam-Webster Dictionary online defines hell as: a nether world in which the dead continue to exist : Hades | the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which condemned people suffer everlasting punishment often used in curses | or as a generalized term of abuse | a place or state of misery, torment, or wickedness | a place or state of turmoil or destruction | a severe scolding | unrestrained fun or sportiveness | an extremely unpleasant and often inescapable situation.


What the hell! The definition of hell seems to have no end to it. And so are the debates about its location.  Theologians, pastors, congregants and even the inebriated speak about hell in an everlasting manner. Hell, according to them, is the ultimate punishment for disobedient people. People will be cast into a lake of fire if bios are not up to scratch in God’s sight. Even the tiniest theft can qualify one for a spot in hell. Take time to recall the many times, at home, you stole syrup from the bottle in the cabinet and then replace the amount you stole with water. All done to trick your parents into believing that the syrup had remained untouched. But before we all panic about going to hell, we must first find out if hell really exists outside of the daily hardships that we experience.

The word hell used in different ways

Hell is a popular and convenient word for some people. They are hooked on using it. A person will use it to express their mood, likes and current situation such as: I am going through hell. I am having a hell of a time trying to study.  I look like hell.  I like the hell out of that dress she is wearing. The manager at work is giving me hell. To hell with Jack if he doesn’t understand what I mean. And there are times when few people will use the word hell to threaten others. For example: It will be hell to play if I don’t get paid the full amount owed to me. Also, some people will boldly tell others that they are ugly like hell.  Among all the hell talks, I have observed the selective behavior of the christian person. Hell only becomes a part of their language when the topic is about God. I speculate that because of the information given about the reputation of hell and its fiery lake, Christians have refrained from using it otherwise. Hell is just hell. All words can be used to represent good no matter how filthy they are. However, if it’s one's desire to spend eternity in heaven with God, it's best to abandon hell and it's attractions. Because I am sure some people will want to arrive in heaven with squeaky clean mouths. Mint fresh and righteous.

The fear of the word hell

Looking back over the years, for as long as I can recall, hell has lived up to its qualities. It’s a hellish word. Fiery! It’s a taboo word. It’s a curse word. I recall as a child the adults around would reprimand any child who uttered the word hell. The adults too were afraid to let it escape them in the presence of peers and children. They feared hell more than they feared God. Spelling the word hell was a better choice to them. And here’s how they would spell it and use it if they were angry with someone: Go to h-e-2 sticks! Although that is the situation, there are times when hell is viewed as a darling word by the people reporting about the great time that they had at an event or on a romantic date. From their lips to their audience, but certainly not God's ear, they joyfully say: I had a hell of a time. 

Hell used as a curse word

Mind your manners with the word hell.  And it doesn’t matter the generation. It’s just one of those words that gives the creeps. I am a Baby Boomer and I grew up knowing that it can also be a curse word.  My parents generation knew that too. People obviously feared using it as a curse word rather than its connection with fire.  We are now in the 21st century and if anyone is in disbelief that it's a curse word, just listen to the now generation and how they incorporate it into what they have to say. They also fear pronouncing it.  All the generations after Baby Boomers are in fear of saying this word aloud. Unlike Baby Boomers the later generations are not into writing out words. They are true minimalists in all they do. Less is best. They embrace acronyms, especially: WTF, OMG, LOL IDC, and  YOLO. So it would be difficult for them to write the word hell in full. Their style is H (hell). And when they are in a defiant state they will write or say: H To The No.  Whereas, Baby Boomers remain committed to: h-e-2 sticks (hell).

Hell, yes! 

Tah-tah!  Respect the respect legacies.

Grace Dunkley-Asphall, Copyright © 2023